Contact us
Säkylän Aaltek Oy
VAT ID: 0759822-8
Asentajantie 127800 Säkylä
+358 44 787 1170
Orders: myynti(a)aaltek.fi
Our e-mails are in the form of: firstname.lastname(a)aaltek.fi
Mirva SandbergCEO +358 44 787 1173
Tero Aaltonen
Production manager
+358 44 787 1172
Aleksandr Buzakov
+358 44 787 1176
Sari Kulmanen
+358 44 787 1174
Satu Tupala
Sales and purchasing services assistant
+358 44 787 1177
Jari Aaltonen
Chairman of the group
+358 44 787 1171
Ari Nummela Oy
Ari Nummela Oy Ltd. is a company specializing in the manufacturing of metal structures with 25 years of solid expertise.